Looking for Partners
Telling people and creating a web presence are both part of my throwing the proverbial hat over the fence. However, I would leave the hat on the other side if no one needed it back. Therefore, I have also been trying to persuade friends to train with me. Don't be afraid if you can't imagine yourself running at all. It took me around 2 months before I went from walking to running 4 miles last year!Praise God, there hasn't been a lack of interest. It will be a 20 week training program that starts the week of 3/19. Your location won't matter. Weekly training schedules will be posted on here. For locations with more than one person, we will get together during the weekend to train on the long routes. The day before the marathon, the whole team will get to meet up and have pasta dinner together.
Ah, cost. Registration is currently at the $95 tier for marathon (26.2 miles), $60 tier for half marathon (13.1 miles). These tiers expire on 2/9. Plane tickets from Texas will cost around $225 - $325. Out-of-towners, I'll take care of your lodging and ride(s), so no extra expenses there.
Jia has committed. Debbie, Judy, Keith, and Siopang want to. Any other takers? I'll answer any questions and concerns you have in the comments. =)
In other news:
- Crystal and Blake will be doing a triathlon through Team in Training this year.
- Little Ohana is thinking about forming a team for San Francisco Marathon, too.
- Paul completed the Houston Marathon on January 13, 2007. His chip time was 4:59:25. I'm quite of proud of him. =)
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