Monday, February 05, 2007


Sections: Deciding, Registration, Training, Race Weekend


Q: It's impossible.
A: You'd be surprised at what you're capable of. Check out the training section to get a taste while you're deciding!

Q: Should I walk or run?
A: You have the option of both. Last year, I alternated between running and walking during the race. Later, I found out that even experienced runners do this. =p

Q: Half or full marathon?
A: The training will adequately and safely prepare you to finish a marathon. If you're unsure, they allow you to switch to the full marathon by paying the difference and a $10 processing fee, space permitting.

Q: 1st or 2nd half marathon?
A: The 1st half marathon will give you a chance to start with the marathoners, cross the Golden Gate Bridge on foot, finish before the weather has a chance to get hot, and watch the marathoners finish. The 2nd half marathon will give you a chance to start later, go through the Golden Gate Park, have an extra half hour to run, and finish with the marathoners.



Q: Why do they need an Estimated Time of Finish (EFT)?
A: The participants are placed into different corrals according to their EFT and the start time for each corral is staggered to prevent overflow.

Q: What team should I put down?
A: #915 Ephesians 4:1.



Q: I've never ran in my life. How do I start?
A: The best way to begin is to walk. Continuous walking prepares your legs for running and will help you develop a consistent routine. To break in, try walking 20 minutes for 4 days, 30 minutes the next 4 days, and then alternate 2 minutes of running and 4 minutes of walking for 30 minutes the next 5 days. Slowly increase running minutes and decrease walking minutes. By 3/19, you'll be able to run 30 minutes without stopping at a comfortable pace.

Q: What is a comfortable pace?
A: One where you are able to carry a conversation with a training partner.

Q: What is crossing training?
A: Incorporating activities other than running into your training schedule. Aerobics, calisthenics, cyling, court sports, dancing, machines, skating, swimming, weights, yoga, etc. will keep you from becoming bored and overexerting yourself with too much running.


Race Weekend

Q: What is a race packet? When and where do I pick it up?
A: The race packet contains your bib, timing chip, goody bag, and T-shirt. It must be picked up in person. Therefore, we will stop by the Expo on Saturday, July 28 9-5pm to pick it up.

Q: What is the Expo?
A: Think of the Career Expo at UT and replace the recruiting companies with health and fitness vendors.

Q: What is the pasta dinner?
A: A chance for you to load up on carbohydrates the evening before the big race and hang out with the rest of the team.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Looking for Partners

Telling people and creating a web presence are both part of my throwing the proverbial hat over the fence. However, I would leave the hat on the other side if no one needed it back. Therefore, I have also been trying to persuade friends to train with me. Don't be afraid if you can't imagine yourself running at all. It took me around 2 months before I went from walking to running 4 miles last year!

Praise God, there hasn't been a lack of interest. It will be a 20 week training program that starts the week of 3/19. Your location won't matter. Weekly training schedules will be posted on here. For locations with more than one person, we will get together during the weekend to train on the long routes. The day before the marathon, the whole team will get to meet up and have pasta dinner together.

Ah, cost. Registration is currently at the $95 tier for marathon (26.2 miles), $60 tier for half marathon (13.1 miles). These tiers expire on 2/9. Plane tickets from Texas will cost around $225 - $325. Out-of-towners, I'll take care of your lodging and ride(s), so no extra expenses there.

Jia has committed. Debbie, Judy, Keith, and Siopang want to. Any other takers? I'll answer any questions and concerns you have in the comments. =)

In other news:
- Crystal and Blake will be doing a triathlon through Team in Training this year.
- Little Ohana is thinking about forming a team for San Francisco Marathon, too.
- Paul completed the Houston Marathon on January 13, 2007. His chip time was 4:59:25. I'm quite of proud of him. =)